It can be tempting to approach your relationship with your lawyer in much the same way as you approach your relationship with St John – you only call them when things start going awry.
And this is understandable: most of us don’t want to get a bill from our lawyer any more than we want to take a ride in an ambulance.
Of course, some problems hit us like a well-laid ambush – unforeseen and entirely not of our making. But there are plenty of snags and landmines that we can lay for ourselves – despite our best intentions. What is more, not every problem has a readily available solution; not every injustice has an immediately apparent remedy.
At Lucas and Lucas we will always do our best to help you solve (or at least mitigate) the challenges that confront you from time to time. But where we have the best opportunity to add the most value to your life and your affairs, is working with you at the beginning. Helping you to develop the plans that will lay the groundwork for the future that you are trying to build.
Let us help you prepare for the worst, so that you can genuinely hope for the best.
If you need advice, give us a call 03 477 8080.